Monday 4 May 2015

So this is is, DAY 1!

Yesterday I watched my partner and thousands of other people take part in the Liverpool Spring 10k, and the whole time (despite being happy for him) I was miserable. I felt I had let him down, let my daughter down and most importantly let myself down. You might be wondering why, let me tell me about myself...
I'm 27, a nurse, a fiance and a mummy to a beautiful 20 month old girl. For the majority of my my life I've been over weight. When I was 24 I decided enough was enough, I wanted to enjoy my 20's so I joined slimming world. Over the course of 11 months I lost just over 4 stone, going from a size 20 to a size 12. I was so happy, even though I wasn't at my target I was getting there.
Everything was going great but then I was dealt horrible news. I was diagnosed with severe endometriosis and was told that if I left it any longer to have a baby my chances would be slim to none, so we decided to try for a baby. Luckily I was pregnant very quickly. During my pregnancy I didn't stick to healthy eating, partly because vegetables and fruit made me want to vomit but mainly because I used the old saying 'eating for two'. I put 3 stone of the 4 that I had lost because of this thinking.
Over the past twenty months I have tried several times to lose that weight, at one point I had lost 2 stone of it, but then promptly put it back on, citing working shifts and looking after the baby as an excuse. And that's all it was AN EXCUSE. an excuse to be lazy, an excuse to do what I wanted.
But yesterday was the slap in the face that I needed. I've decided I'm going to be the person my partner deserves, my daughter deserves and more importantly that I deserve. I deserve to be healthy, I deserve to treat my body right and I deserve to be happy.
Now look away if you're squeamish, these are not pretty pictures...

These pictures show the stark reality of unhealthy eating. of laziness. Of not protecting yourself. And that is exactly what I am going to do from now on PROTECT myself.

Oh and just for an added kick up the arse I've signed up for next years London marathon.

Thanks for listening. Any support or advice that people have to other is most welcome.

Stacey xx

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